Saturday, April 21, 2012

4/21/12 Burnt Rancheria Campground, mile 41.5, 21 miles hiked

He's really on his way! Wait, THIS doesn't look like mountains.
Why isn't the trail headed UP? What does that sign say?
City Park?!
Oh, no..... I guess it IS the PCT! Go for it, Jay!
I saw a turkey vulture roost today and lots of rabbits. I climbed through chaparral to the Laguna Mountains, an ascent of 3,000 feet over about 10 miles. It was a warm day, but the forest in the mountains was much cooler. All the creeks are flowing at this time, so there is plenty of water.

I had a close call with a cryptic silent rattler. As heart-stopping as their rattling sound is, I’d rather get the adrenaline rush from the sound than from the sight of a silent rattler too close for comfort!

I hiked the 21 miles in 10 hours today. Drank 7 liters of water and am feeling fine.

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